Electricity can be dangerous. Here are some guidelines that may help you
not to blow yourself to bits. You can find more detailed information on
sci.electronics.repair site.
- Do not work on live equipment.
- Discharge high-voltage capacitors before you touch 'em.
- Use a RCD (Residual Current Device) in the electrical supply to your
When you are making mains-voltage wiring inside equipment,
- Only use parts with the appropriate safety approvals.
- Cover all live terminals with heatshrink or boots.
- Always fit the right fuse.
If you MUST work live,
- Never do it alone. Get someone to watch you.
- Keep one hand in your pocket.
- Never wear headphones.
- Use insulated tools.
- Definitely use a RCD.
- Use an isolating transformer (NOT a variac)
Note that when working on equipment with high-voltage secondary supplies
such as a TV set or microwave, the RCD and isolating transformer may well
not protect you from electric shock.
The above guidelines may help you but they are not guaranteed to do so.
If you crisp yourself it's not my problem.