Know your leads

Connection diagrams

The following diagrams and tables contain all the info you need to make your own audio leads. I have ignored DIN plugs because I can't stand them, so tough if you have a Bang & Olufsen hi-fi from the 70s.


Leads ready reckoner, V1.0

This table should explain what to do. Outputs are down the way, inputs across the top. When it comes to non-grounded equipment, things get a bit complex, because the first non-grounded type lead you use will ground the equipment via the screen. Therefore, any more leads you connect to this piece of equipment may then cause an earth loop. If the leads are routed physically close together, the loop area won't be too big and it should be OK.

Feel free to experiment.

Note: I have only shown connections for inputs on ungrounded equipment. For outputs it's the same idea.

Note in 2007: I've referred to "UK" and "US" XLR pinouts. These terms are now outdated and need more explanation:
By "US" I meant the wiring with pin 3 hot. This is a very unusual pinout that you will only find on a few pieces of old equipment. (Not all of which was even American...) The vast majority of gear uses the pinout with pin 2 hot, that I called "UK".

Please contact me for advice or if you spot any mistakes.

Input  -> 
Output | 
Mono jack 
Stereo jack (bal) UK XLR (unbal) UK XLR 
US XLR (unbal) US XLR 
Mono jack (unbal but equipment not grounded) Any XLR (unbal but equipment not grounded) Stereo jack (bal, equipment not grounded) UK/US XLR (bal, equipment not grounded)
Mono jack 
Single core cable. Sleeve to screen, tip to core, both ends. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Stereo end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. Mono end: sleeve to cold, tip to hot, screen NC.  Single core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, tip to core. XLR end: 1 to screen, 2 to core. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to cold, tip to hot, screen NC. XLR end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. Single core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, tip to core. XLR end: 1 to screen, 3 to core. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to cold, tip to hot, screen NC. XLR end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 3 to hot. Single core cable. Sleeve to screen, tip to core, both ends. No earth loop. As unbal XLR but no earth loop. As stereo jack (bal)  As XLR (bal)
Stereo jack (servo or transformer bal) 2-core cable. Stereo end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. Mono end: sleeve to cold, tip to hot, screen NC.  2-core cable. Sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot, both ends. 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC.  2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to cold, 3 to hot, screen NC.  2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 1 to hot.. 2-core cable. Stereo end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. Mono end: sleeve and screen to cold, tip to hot. As unbal XLR but connect screen to 1 at unbal end As stereo jack (bal)  As XLR (bal)
UK XLR (unbal) Single core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, tip to core. XLR end: 1 to screen, 2 to core. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC.  Single core cable. 1 to screen, 2 to core, both ends. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. Single core cable. US end: 3 to screen, 1 to core. UK end: 3 to screen, 2 to core Beware earth loop!. 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. As mono jack but no earth loop. 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to cold and screen, 2 to hot. As stereo jack (bal)  As XLR (bal)
(servo or transformer bal)
2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to cold, tip to hot, screen NC. XLR end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. 2-core cable. 1 to screen, 2 to hot, 3 to cold, both ends. Works for all other XLR except US to UK. 2-core cable. 1 to screen, 2 to hot, 3 to cold, at one end. 3 to hot, 2 to cold, at other end. Watch out for phase reversal! 2-core cable. 1 to screen, 2 to hot, 3 to cold, at one end. 3 to hot, 2 to cold, at other end. Watch out for phase reversal! 2-core cable. Stereo end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. Mono end: sleeve and screen to cold, tip to hot. As unbal XLR but connect screen to 1 at unbal end As stereo jack (bal) As XLR (bal)
US XLR (unbal) Single core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, tip to core. XLR end: 1 to screen, 3 to core. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to cold, 3 to hot, screen NC.  Single core cable. 1 to screen, 3 to core, both ends. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 3 to hot. Single core cable. 1 to screen, 3 to core, both ends. Beware earth loop! 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 3 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 3 to cold, 2 to hot. As mono jack but no earth loop. As unbal XLR but no earth loop. As stereo jack (bal) As XLR (bal)
(servo or transformer bal)
2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to cold, tip to hot, screen NC. XLR end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 3 to hot. 2-core cable. Jack end: sleeve to screen, ring to cold, tip to hot. XLR end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 1 to hot. 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 3 to hot. 2-core cable. 1 to screen, 2 to hot, 3 to cold, at one end. 3 to hot, 2 to cold, at other end. Watch out for phase reversal! 2-core cable. Unbal end: 1 to cold, 2 to hot, screen NC. Bal end: 1 to screen, 2 to cold, 3 to hot. Identical to UK XLR (bal) -XLR (bal) As unbal XLR but connect screen to 1 at unbal end
Any XLR, balanced (but not servo or transformer balanced) Treat output as unbalanced. Beware earth loop! Treat output as 
servo balanced
Treat output as unbalanced. Beware earth loop! Treat output as 
servo balanced
Treat output as unbalanced. Beware earth loop! Treat output as 
servo balanced
Treat as unbalanced. but no earth loop. Treat as unbalanced. but no earth loop. Treat output as 
servo balanced
Treat output as 
servo balanced
Stereo jack, balanced (but not servo or transformer balanced) As unbalanced mono jack, but use stereo plug with ring NC. Beware earth loop! Treat output as 
servo balanced
As unbalanced mono jack, but use stereo plug with ring NC. Beware earth loop! Treat output as 
servo balanced
As unbalanced mono jack, but use stereo plug with ring NC. Beware earth loop! Treat output as 
servo balanced
As unbalanced mono jack, but use stereo plug with ring NC. As unbalanced mono jack, but use stereo plug with ring NC.  Treat output as 
servo balanced
Treat output as 
servo balanced

e-mail me: "steve at scopeboy dot com"  
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(C) 1999 Stephen J. Conner (22/9/99)